The Essence and Analysis of Approaches to Reengineering Innovative Business Processes

Author Details

Farkod Safarov

Journal Details


Published: 15 January 2018 | Article Type :


This article seeks major analysis of approaches to reengineering innovative business processes. On this way, both theoretical and practical points were mentioned in the study. Reengineering and major points of it has seen as a major point of development in the innovative business processes. This study was conducted with the aim to collect and review the work done so far in the field of BPR. Focus of this study was on providing a comprehensive overview of overall development of BPR concept, theories, models, approaches and outcomes, and success and failure causes. According to outcomes study was based on secondary source i.e. published and available researches in the field of BPR. Research papers were critically reviewed and then were divided into sub headings i.e. introduction, why do firm need change, background of BPR, BPR methodologies, approaches, causes of success and failure, and BPR in practice (both in public and private sectors. Conclusion drawn was based on the previous research studies and it was concluded that there is no universal approach to the BPR nor can it be guaranteed that BPR will ensure the success of an organization.

Keywords: Reengineering, innovative, business, process, Uzbekistan 

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How to Cite


Farkod Safarov. (2018-01-15). "The Essence and Analysis of Approaches to Reengineering Innovative Business Processes." *Volume 1*, 1, 11-18