The Importance of Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis

Author Details

Jordana Alves Pereira, Christiana Vargas Ribeiro

Journal Details


Published: 23 December 2019 | Article Type :


Spondylolisthesis consists of a disorder of the spine where there is anterior slippage of the L4-L5 or L5-S1 segments, caused by a progression of spondylolysis. This condition can develop at any age and the main risk factors are activities involving lumbar hyperextension or some congenital disorder of the spine. Mechanical low back pain is the most common clinical manifestation and may resemble muscle spasm, which may cause spinal and muscle stiffness, causing changes in posture. Treatments can be conservative and/or surgical, depending on the degree of the condition, and the best prevention is stabilization exercises. Imaging tests assist in the diagnostic process, and radiography allows an initial diagnosis by verifying vertebral displacement. In contrast, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography provide more details about this slide. To deepen the knowledge on this subject, this paper aims to emphasize the importance of magnetic resonance and computed tomography in the diagnosis of spondylolisthesis, determining the advantages and disadvantages found in the two imaging exams for the diagnosis of this disease, explain the effects generated. in the motor system and correlate low back pain with the diagnosis of spondylolisthesis. The methodology used was a bibliographic review, using databases, and selected articles in Portuguese and English between 2008 and 2014. Studies have shown that magnetic resonance and computed tomography are the most indicated exams for the study. spondylolisthesis diagnosis, since they allow a better visualization of the sliding of the L4-L5 or L5-S1 segments compared to radiography, which allows only the initial diagnosis, but with a smaller visualization.

Keywords: spondylolisthesis; diagnosis; magnetic resonance; computed tomography; radiography.

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How to Cite


Jordana Alves Pereira, Christiana Vargas Ribeiro. (2019-12-23). "The Importance of Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis." *Volume 2*, 2, 28-33