Global Workspace, Self and Mathematical Intuition

Author Details

Robert Skopec

Journal Details


Published: 23 July 2018 | Article Type :


In human consciousness a world of separated objects is perceived by an inner observer as an feeling of One-self. A topological correlation of the Self to the world, by either emerging all separated objects into one or splitting the Self in as many disconnected Sub-selves as there are objects perceived. The Self is generated in a neural network by algorithmic compression of spatial and temporal information into a toponeuronal structure (TNS). A correlation of an inner observer to parts of a structure inevitably entails a correlation to the whole, serving of the Self. Molecular mechanisms for the generation of a TNS in a neural network will be discussed.

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How to Cite


Robert Skopec. (2018-07-23). "Global Workspace, Self and Mathematical Intuition." *Volume 1*, 1, 16-22