Consciousness in Systems Science: Transforming Psychology Medicine, Education and Community
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Published: 14 June 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The focus of this research paper is to bring consciousness within the ambit of systems science. Consciousness is incredible, and is extending across the spectrum of cosmology, psychology, neuroscience, biology, molecular chemistry and physics. Consciousness is the Source-field of all options and opportunities for any living systems. Its proper understanding has far reaching implications in mental health of the individual, education and management. It has lasting impact on community psychology reflected in population life-style, which contributes to epidemiology of health and disease. The systems psyche, which is the cognitive apparatus and the decision-making labyrinthine organ within the organism, works independent of any organ like brain although it uses the brain as an organ for its ultimate manifestations. Assuming that right note always offers the best high, we are to set the right note at the outset for bringing consciousness within systems science. Right concept notes for systematic research on consciousness are the systems psyche, layers between neuroscience and consciousness, inter-phase between systems (brain)-bound and systems (brain)-independent consciousness. The useful tools are the ladder of cognition and the canvas of cognition, which operate bottom up (or, from surface to depth) between the signal and the wisdom, and top-down (or from depth to surface) between the wisdom and the signal. It is possible to lay down the consciousness research within the cast of systems cosmology and systems psychology, which could be inclusive of the systems science of biology, chemistry and physics.
Keywords: Systems psyche, Layers between neuroscience and consciousness, Ladder of Cognition, Education, Community.

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How to Cite
A. K. Mukhopadhyay. (2018-06-14). "Consciousness in Systems Science: Transforming Psychology Medicine, Education and Community." *Volume 1*, 1, 40-47