A Permanent Cure for Vitiligo: Immigration of Healthy Skin Cells to Unhealthy Sides of the Skin in Vitiligo Through a New Treatment

Author Details

Akbar Mohammadrezaei, Nooshin Mohammadias

Journal Details


Published: 29 November 2018 | Article Type :


A Permanent Cure for Vitiligo: Immigration of Healthy Skin Cells to Unhealthy Sides of the Skin in Vitiligo
This article is about a skin disorder which manifests itself as white patches (pigment destruction) in different locations of the body. There are many classifications for this disorder such as segmented, focal, generalized and universal vitiligo. In my article, I have mentioned some of the current methods used in the treatment such as UV rooms. However, there are many risks and long term side effects to this treatment. Besides at the end of the treatment, the patient leaves the clinic in disappointment and without being treated. I was suffering from the same disorder for 14 years, so I can feel how deep is the depression and suffering of those vitiligo patients. My motivation behind the discovery of this treatment was me, myself. I was suffering from the same disorder. It was so painful to be out in the society where everybody gazed at me and some were even afraid to talk to me. Because of my economic issues, I did not have access to labs and research centesrs. Consequently, my only opportunity was to do self-study and broadened my understanding and knowledge about human body and biology. Thanks to those studies, I cured myself in 5months and then many more patients from England, Iran, Turkey and Azerbaijan. In my article, I have written about some blood tests the patients have to take. I have also mentioned the vitamins, pills and the creams they should use( different for kids and adults). My only intention for writing this article is to let all my dermatologist colleagues know about the new treatment. Moreover, the whole treatment takes 5 months or so and is affordable by everybody. If the patients follow the simple advice mentioned in the article, the disorder will not come back. I would kindly ask you to go through my article and read it deep. I have treated myself and many others, so I can replicate the treatment on the cases given by you. The treatment and progress is visible from the first month.

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How to Cite


Akbar Mohammadrezaei, Nooshin Mohammadias. (2018-11-29). "A Permanent Cure for Vitiligo: Immigration of Healthy Skin Cells to Unhealthy Sides of the Skin in Vitiligo Through a New Treatment." *Volume 1*, 2, 9-14