Self-Reported Level of Satisfaction with Training and Confidence in the Use of Behaviour Management Techniques among Dental Students and Interns

Author Details

Enabulele Joan E, Mohammed Brenda I

Journal Details


Published: 22 May 2018 | Article Type :


Background: Knowledge and practice of behavioral management techniques is essential in the efficient delivery of oral health care in children. This study evaluated self-reported satisfaction with training in behavior management techniques and confidence with use of these techniques among final year dental students and dental interns.

Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of final year dental students and dental interns of University of Benin Teaching Hospital and the Dental Centre of Central hospital, Benin. It was a questionnaire based study and involved 48 study participants. Descriptive analysis was done using SPSS, version 21.0.

Results: Majority (97.9%) of participants affirmed to receiving training on behavior management techniques with more than half of them (58%) reporting that they were satisfied with the level of training received. Majority (64.6%) reported that they were not at all confident using the pharmacological methods of behavior management in children. Smiling face and friendly environment were the non-pharmacological behavior guidance techniques in which the highest proportion of respondents were extremely confident employing while managing the pediatric dental patient. Confidence in the use of pharmacological behavior management methods between the students and interns was statistically significant (p= 0.026).

Conclusion: The training of dental students in behavior management techniques should be reviewed and should include practical, hands-on training and clinical demonstrations of the various methods at the chairside.

Keywords: Behaviour management techniques, training, level of confidence, paediatric dental patient.

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How to Cite


Enabulele Joan E, Mohammed Brenda I. (2018-05-22). "Self-Reported Level of Satisfaction with Training and Confidence in the Use of Behaviour Management Techniques among Dental Students and Interns." *Volume 1*, 1, 37-44