Air-Sea Fluxes Changes Over the North Indian Ocean

Author Details

S. Venkata Sai and K. Muni Krishna*

Journal Details


Published: 12 June 2020 | Article Type :


Ocean-atmosphere interaction plays key role on monsoon dynamics, Warm pool and mesoscale processes over the North Indian Ocean. In the present study we investigated the seasonal as well as monthly variability of Net radiative and Heat fluxes using Tropflux and OAflux data. Long terms changes in net shortwave and net longwave radiation are observed in both data sets except pre-monsoon months. Western Arabian Sea shows high variability in both cases. Ocean heat budget is also calculated using two data sets and it show quick contrast between Tropflux and OAflux.

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How to Cite


S. Venkata Sai and K. Muni Krishna*. (2020-06-12). "Air-Sea Fluxes Changes Over the North Indian Ocean." *Volume 4*, 2, 26-34