Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Derivations of Einstein's E=mc² from Newtonian Laws of Motion

Author Details

Zion Elani

Journal Details


Published: 17 April 2020 | Article Type :


This report presents a simple derivation of Einstein’s famous equation, 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2 . Through the use of elementary physical quantities of Newtonian mechanics such as distance, force, momentum, velocity, and energy, our approach resembles a ‘handling units’ method. Further, two other proofs premising on the notion of mass and its dependence on velocity are discussed. These methods prove to be simple and physically intuitive, thus stimulating the amateur enthusiasts to a better understanding of various complex and difficultto-derive formulas which are otherwise understood at a sophisticated academic level. Pedagogic significance of these methods is further discussed.

Keywords: Science education, Physics education, Chemistry education, Energy conceptions, Special relativity.

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How to Cite


Zion Elani. (2020-04-17). "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Derivations of Einstein's E=mc² from Newtonian Laws of Motion." *Volume 4*, 2, 1-8