Long-Run Deprivations of Coronaviruses on Young Minds

Author Details

Rajan Keshri, Harpreet Kaur, Anjali Sharma

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Published: 17 May 2021 | Article Type :


After getting affected by COVID-19 its affect us for nearly 10-15 days. This 10-15 days of life is very critical for COVID-19 positive patients, as the mortality rate is very high. If they withstand this critical time, then there are chances of recovery. Many people are thinking that COVID -19 is only affecting our body, what they don’t know is that it is also affecting the whole future of our human civilization. Children are considering the future of civilization. Therefore, nourishing them is like nourishing our future, teaching them is like training our future. Whatever we will give to our young minds today, the same things they will use to construct the future of our world. Therefore, to make them strong, skilled, and knowledgeable we send them to Educational Institutions or we provide them with different kinds of pieces of training or works to educate them. COVID-19 has ceased the training process of our young minds. This slush in the flow of the stream of knowledge will affect the future of young minds. The lag in their development is also destroying their basic construction. It is very important to know that COVID-19 is not just a bodily disease but also a catastrophic invasion of our future.

Keywords: COVID-19, young minds, Educational Institutions, training, teaching, children.

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How to Cite


Rajan Keshri, Harpreet Kaur, Anjali Sharma. (2021-05-17). "Long-Run Deprivations of Coronaviruses on Young Minds." *Volume 5*, 2, 22-30