Hepatoprotective Effect of Garlic Aqueous Extract against Hepatotoxicity Induced By Ciprofibrate in Male Albino Rats
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Published: 9 January 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: The liver is exposing too many toxic substances daily either through the environment or form many other sources such as the preservatives or drugs which increase the risk of liver growth. Ciprofibrate is one of the peroxi some proliferators' chemical families that stimulate hepatic cells and the hepatic cell becomes uncontrollably divided, causing liver growth. The hepatic cell is divided through exposure to drugs or other xenobiotics such as hypolipidemic medication that causes cancer by long-term courses in the rat; nevertheless, it has not been established yet in humans.
Objectives: The aim of the present study to evaluate the potential beneficial effects of garlic administration against the biochemical and histological alterations induced in the liver by ciprofibrate in male rats.
Materials and Methods: In the current study 8 groups of 6 male rats were used (Control group, Oil, Garlic, Ciprofibrate 50 and 100mg/kg body weight, Cipro 50mg/kg body weight with garlic, Cipro 100mg/kg body weight with garlic, and garlic with Cipro 100mg/kg body weight). The rats have been treated daily orally by gavages for 21 days. On the last day of the experiment the animals were killed then blood samples and parts from the liver were collected. Liver function was examined for the enzyme activities; serum Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alkaline phosphates (ALP), and serum total and direct bilirubin concentration. The histopathological investigation was conducted for the liver tissues of all groups.
Results: Treatment of male rats with 50 or 100 mg/kg body weight of ciprofibrate caused a significant increase in serum ALT, AST, and ALP activities, total, and direct bilirubin concentration. Histologically, there were histological changes in central vein area and portal zones, revealed congestion in blood sinusoids, necrosis in hepatic cells, and damage in central vein lining epithelium. Co-administration of garlic aqueous extract with Ciprofibrate significantly improved the structural changes in the liver and the serum ALT, AST, and ALP activities, total, and direct bilirubin concentration were significantly declined.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that Ciprofibrate treatment induced elevation in liver function tests and severe histopathological changes and garlic aqueous extract was able to protect the liver against these effects in male rats. So, the patients should be advised to take garlic aqueous extract while they are treated by ciprofibrate.
Keywords: Ciprofibrate, Hypolipidemic agent, Garlic aqueous extract, Hepatotoxicity, Hepatic pathophysiological changes.

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How to Cite
Fikry Ali Abushofa, Azab Elsayed Azab, Nadia M. Kermani, Tahani S. AL-Jelany Sakah. (2020-01-09). "Hepatoprotective Effect of Garlic Aqueous Extract against Hepatotoxicity Induced By Ciprofibrate in Male Albino Rats." *Volume 4*, 1, 1-13