Quantum Resourrection: Quantum Algorithm with Complex Conjugation Reverses Phases of the Wave Function Components
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Published: 9 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Light is a powerful tool to manipulate matter, but existing approaches often necessitate focused, highintensity light that limits the manipulated object’s shape, material and size. The breakthrough development could lead to spacecraft without fuel. What if a spacecraft could travel through our solar system powered and accelerated using only light? That’s the goal of new research coming out of Caltech. More federal spending on directed energy weapon research & development has some stakeholders looking for operational systems to deploy in the next two or three years. The weapons which use focused energy in the forms of lasers, microwaves and other methods against targets ranging from drone swarms to ballistic missiles — have long drawn the interest of the Department of Defense and its military services but have previously been relegated largely to the arena of the theoretical. They have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite that of the thermodynamic arrow of time. Scientists have reversed the direction of time with a quantum computer.
Keywords: Quantum Resourrection, Quantum Algorithm, Complex Conjugation, Quantum State, photonic levitation, propulsion of nano structured macroscopic objects, Quantum Entanglement Entropy, Artificial Photosynthesis, Directed Energy Weapons.

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How to Cite
Robert Skopec. (2019-03-09). "Quantum Resourrection: Quantum Algorithm with Complex Conjugation Reverses Phases of the Wave Function Components." *Volume 3*, 1, 21-28