Pathogenetic and Sanogenetic Mechanisms of the Influence of Mineral Waters (Siliconed and with Increased Organic Substances) of Different Osmularity on the Exposure of Toxic Nephritis
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Published: 12 April 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
In white rats, on the background of the development of toxic kidney damage, polyuria was established, an increase in daily excretion of creatinine and urea, a significant loss of chloride ions. In order to correct the development of pathology were used 3 weakly mineralized mineral waters (MW) with the content of biologically active substances: 2 silicon MW and 1 MW with high content of organic substances. Investigation of the functional state of the kidneys (volume of diuretic daily, glomerular filtration rate, tubular reabsorption percentage, creatinine excretion, urea and chloride ions) was performed at the 8th day of the experiment. MW with a higher osmolality and the content of metasilicic acid has a more pronounced restorative effect on the urine-forming function of the kidneys and the removal of chloride ions. MW with high content of organic substances has a slow corrective effect on renal dysfunction.
Keywords: rats, experimental nephritis, functional state of the kidneys, mineral water.

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S.G. Gushcha, B.A. Nasibullin, A.L. Plakida, V.N. Kalinichenko, L.V. Tikhokhod, T.V. Mohylevska. (2018-04-12). "Pathogenetic and Sanogenetic Mechanisms of the Influence of Mineral Waters (Siliconed and with Increased Organic Substances) of Different Osmularity on the Exposure of Toxic Nephritis." *Volume 2*, 2, 7-12