Species Diversity and Relative Abundance of Anopheline Vectors of Malaria on the Highlands of Mambilla Plateau Northeast, Nigeria

Author Details

Garba, LC, Oyieke, FA, Owino, EA, Mwansat, GS, Houmsou, RS, Darda, F, Chintem, DGW

Journal Details


Published: 11 April 2017 | Article Type :


The increase in human population in most African highlands in the recent past has resulted in deforestation and cultivation of natural swamps cconsequently the ecology of African highlands has been changing favoring mosquito survivorship and parasite development. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of altitude on species abundance and diversity of anopheline vectors of malaria along an altitudinal transect on the highlands of Mambilla plateau Nigeria. Adult anopheline vectors were captured by the use of Centre for Disease Control (CDC) modified light traps and Pyrethrum Spray Catches (PSC) while larvae were reared to adulthood. A total of 420 anopheline mosquitoes comprising five species; An. gambiae sl 394(93.81%), An. coustani 17 (4.05%), An. funestus 5(1.19%), An. pharoensis 3(0.71%), and An. rufipes 1(0.24%) were sampled along the altitude locations. A total of 342 (81.42%) adult Anopheles mosquitoes make up the total collection for the study period An. gambiae sl 333(97.36%), was the most abundant of all the adult species collected while An. rufipes 1(0.30%) was the least abundant species. Molecular analysis with PCR showed that Anopheles gambiae ss was the main Anopheles gambiae species in the study area. Peak biting period was between 12am to 2am, temperature and relative humidity had no significant effect on mosquito abundance. There was no significant relationship between altitude and mosquito abundance and species diversity (P > 0.05). This study has provided baseline data on the species and diversity of anopheline species on the Mambilla plateau.

Keywords: Anophelines, Mambilla Plateau, Abundance, Diversity, PCR.

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How to Cite


Garba, LC, Oyieke, FA, Owino, EA, Mwansat, GS, Houmsou, RS, Darda, F, Chintem, DGW. (2017-04-11). "Species Diversity and Relative Abundance of Anopheline Vectors of Malaria on the Highlands of Mambilla Plateau Northeast, Nigeria." *Volume 1*, 1, 37-42